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Terrible Kids Stuff - New Releases – Barin, Splittingbones & Al Capone - Das-Bemalforum


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Terrible Kids Stuff - New Releases – Barin, Splittingbones & Al Capone

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    Terrible Kids Stuff - New Releases – Barin, Splittingbones & Al Capone

    Hi folks, here we go with 3 "new" official releases even if we have just a few copies left.

    The first one is Barin, we have 1 resin and 6 white metal copies left, but you'll be able to find it even on CoolMiniOrNot store, since they have a little stock, follow this link:

    Limited edition: 100 copies
    Code: NK7503
    Category: Nether Kingdom
    Concept: Adrian Smith
    Sculptor: Joaquin Palacios
    Painter: Fabrizio Russo
    Material: Resin or White Metal
    Pieces: 7
    Scale: 1:24 (75mm)
    Note: sold unassembled and unpainted

    Here it is the alternative version too, since you’ll find inside the kit an optional weapon: 1 big mace. Thanks to MuMi and Diego Esteban Perez we have the chance to show it too.

    The second one is Splittingbones, we have 3 resin and 1 white metal left, after it will be sold out since our resellers already sold all of their stock.

    Limited edition: 100 copies
    Code: NK7502
    Category: Nether Kingdom
    Concept: Paolo Parente
    Sculptor: Allan Carrasco
    Painter: Fabrizio Russo
    Material: Resin or White Metal
    Pieces: 18
    Scale: 1:24 (75mm)
    Note: sold unassembled and unpainted, base not included.

    Here we are at the last one, you already know it, since it is one of our best seller products, I'm speaking about "Al Capone", we decided not to cast it anymore, except a new Limited Collector's Edition of 50 resin copies (9 of them are already sold), after it will be gone forever.

    You can find all of these miniatures in our online store at

    AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - New Releases – Barin, Splittingbones & Al Capone

    Seriously? You make a release post with just a handful in stock? Who are the resellers? The ones that had Splittingbones, also had a very small in stock and were sold out in minutes. Weeks ago that is …
    "Put Dät Cookie Daun. NAU"


      AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - New Releases – Barin, Splittingbones & Al Capone

      Zitat von philip Beitrag anzeigen
      Seriously? You make a release post with just a handful in stock? Who are the resellers? The ones that had Splittingbones, also had a very small in stock and were sold out in minutes. Weeks ago that is …
      Hi Philip,
      I answered to your e-mail. Just to let everyone know, we sold many of them at World Model Expo Stresa 2014, other via our resellers a few months ago (Cmon and Skulls Mini, we wrote it on our Facebook page) and via e-mail because we recived many request.

      Since we have still some copies we decided to release them officially even on our online store, I'm sorry there are just a few left.



        AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - New Releases – Barin, Splittingbones & Al Capone

        I wrote this before my mail to you, when I was still angry
        Thanks again for you super fast reply. I already told my friends via facebook.
        "Put Dät Cookie Daun. NAU"


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